Troubleshooting SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only Mode: Can’t Use Extensions?
Image by Jamsey -

Troubleshooting SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only Mode: Can’t Use Extensions?

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Are you stuck in a predicament where you’re not able to use the extension in the SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only mode? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article is here to guide you through the possible solutions to get you back on track.

What is SageMaker Studio Code Editor?

SageMaker Studio is a fully integrated development environment (IDE) that allows data scientists and developers to prepare, build, train, and deploy machine learning models. The SageMaker Studio Code Editor is a vital component of this ecosystem, providing a seamless coding experience with features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging. However, when operating in VPC-only mode, users may encounter issues with using extensions.

What is VPC-only mode?

VPC-only mode is a security feature in SageMaker Studio that allows users to isolate their workloads within a private Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This mode restricts access to the internet, ensuring that sensitive data and applications remain secure. While this enhanced security is beneficial, it can sometimes limit the functionality of certain features, including extensions.

Why can’t I use extensions in VPC-only mode?

When in VPC-only mode, SageMaker Studio Code Editor restricts access to the internet to maintain the security and isolation of the VPC. Extensions, which often rely on internet connectivity to function, may not work as expected or at all. This is because extensions may require communication with external services, such as package repositories or API endpoints, which are not accessible within the VPC-only environment.

Troubleshooting Steps

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Follow these steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue of not being able to use extensions in the SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only mode:

  1. Check the VPC-only mode configuration

    Ensure that the VPC-only mode is correctly configured and that your SageMaker Studio instance is properly set up. Verify that the VPC-only mode is enabled and that the necessary security groups and subnet settings are in place.

  2. Verify extension compatibility

    Check the documentation for the specific extension you’re trying to use. Ensure that the extension is compatible with VPC-only mode and doesn’t rely on external internet connectivity. You can often find this information in the extension’s documentation or by contacting the extension’s developer.

  3. Use a local package repository

    If the extension relies on a package repository, consider mirroring the repository locally within your VPC. This can be achieved by creating a local package repository, such as a PyPI mirror, and configuring the extension to use it. This way, the extension can access the necessary packages without requiring external internet connectivity.

  4. Configure a proxy or NAT gateway

    In some cases, you may be able to configure a proxy or NAT gateway within your VPC to allow the extension to communicate with external services. This can be a complex task, so ensure you have the necessary networking expertise and follow security best practices.

  5. Reach out to AWS Support or the extension developer

    If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to AWS Support or the extension developer for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional guidance or workarounds specific to your use case.

Additional Considerations

When working in VPC-only mode, it’s essential to keep in mind the following additional considerations:

  • Security: VPC-only mode is designed to provide an additional layer of security. Be cautious when configuring proxies or NAT gateways, as they can potentially introduce security risks if not properly configured.

  • Latency and Performance: Depending on the extension and its requirements, you may experience latency or performance issues when using local package repositories or proxies. Plan accordingly and test your setup thoroughly.

  • Extension Maintenance: When using extensions in VPC-only mode, it’s crucial to ensure that they are properly maintained and updated. This may require additional effort and resources to keep the extensions up-to-date and secure.


In conclusion, troubleshooting extensions in SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only mode requires a careful and methodical approach. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and potentially resolve the issues preventing you from using extensions. Remember to consider the security, latency, and maintenance implications of your choices and plan accordingly. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to AWS Support or the extension developer for further assistance.

    // Example of a local package repository configuration
      " repositories": [
          "type": "local",
          "uri": ""
Extension Compatibility with VPC-only mode Workaround
Extension A Incompatible Use a local package repository
Extension B Compatible None required
Extension C Incompatible Configure a proxy or NAT gateway

Note: The above table is a fictional representation and is not based on actual extensions or their compatibility with VPC-only mode.

Remember, when working with SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only mode, it’s essential to prioritize security and plan carefully to ensure a seamless development experience.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble using extensions in SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only mode? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get back on track.

Why can’t I use extensions in SageMaker Studio Code Editor in VPC-only mode?

Extensions in SageMaker Studio Code Editor rely on internet access to function. However, in VPC-only mode, the Studio instance doesn’t have access to the internet, which prevents extensions from working. To use extensions, you’ll need to switch to a different network configuration or use a different SageMaker Studio instance that has internet access.

Can I use a proxy server to enable extensions in VPC-only mode?

Yes, you can! By setting up a proxy server, you can allow your SageMaker Studio instance to access the internet through the proxy, enabling extensions to function. You’ll need to configure the proxy server to allow traffic to the extension’s dependencies. Check out the SageMaker documentation for more information on setting up a proxy server.

Are there any extensions that can work in VPC-only mode without internet access?

Yes, some extensions don’t require internet access and can function in VPC-only mode. These extensions typically don’t rely on external dependencies or services. Check the extension’s documentation to see if it supports offline mode or VPC-only mode. If you’re unsure, you can always reach out to the extension developer for more information.

Can I request an extension to be updated to support VPC-only mode?

Absolutely! If you need an extension to work in VPC-only mode, you can reach out to the extension developer and request that they update their extension to support offline mode. You can also submit a feature request to the SageMaker team, and we’ll do our best to prioritize it.

What are some alternatives to using extensions in VPC-only mode?

If you can’t use extensions in VPC-only mode, there are some alternatives you can explore. You can try using SageMaker’s built-in features, such as the SageMaker Python SDK, which provides many of the same functionalities as extensions. You can also consider using other IDEs or tools that support offline mode. Additionally, you can create your own custom extensions that support VPC-only mode.

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