Oh No! Android App Has Been Removed Due to a Policy Violation – Now What?
Image by Jamsey - hkhazo.biz.id

Oh No! Android App Has Been Removed Due to a Policy Violation – Now What?

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If you’re reading this, chances are your Android app has been removed from the Google Play Store due to a policy violation. Don’t panic! It’s not the end of the world, but it’s certainly a setback. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of understanding what happened, how to fix it, and getting your app back online.

What is a Policy Violation?

A policy violation occurs when your app fails to comply with Google’s Play Store policies. These policies are in place to ensure a safe and trustworthy experience for users. Some common policy violations include:

  • Including malware or harmful code
  • Violating intellectual property rights
  • Misleading or deceptive app descriptions
  • Unlawful or harmful content
  • Failing to comply with data protection regulations

Why Was My App Removed?

Google takes policy violations very seriously, and if your app is found to be in violation, it will be removed from the Play Store. You’ll receive an email from Google explaining the reason for removal. This email will include:

  • A clear explanation of the policy violation
  • A direct link to the policy page outlining the specific violation
  • Instructions on how to appeal or fix the issue

Understanding the Policy Violation Email

Subject: Policy Violation: [App Name]

Dear [Developer Name],

We've removed [App Name] from the Google Play Store due to a policy violation. Our team has determined that your app violates our [Policy Name] policy. Specifically, we found that [brief explanation of the violation].

To appeal this decision or fix the issue, please follow these steps:

1. Review our [Policy Name] policy: [link to policy page]
2. Make the necessary changes to comply with our policy
3. Submit an updated version of your app for review

If you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email.

Best regards,
The Google Play Team

How to Appeal or Fix the Policy Violation

Depending on the severity of the violation, you may be able to appeal the decision or fix the issue and resubmit your app.

  1. Acknowledge and accept the violation: Take responsibility for the mistake and commit to fixing it.
  2. Review the policy: Study the policy page linked in the email to understand what you need to change.
  3. Make the necessary changes: Update your app to comply with the policy. This might involve:
Violation Solution
Malware or harmful code Remove the malicious code, add security measures, and resubmit the app
Intellectual property rights Remove copyrighted material, obtain necessary permissions, or provide proof of ownership
Misleading or deceptive app descriptions Update the app description to accurately reflect the app’s features and functionality

Resubmitting Your App

Once you’ve made the necessary changes, you’ll need to resubmit your app for review.

// Pre-launch report example
"status": "draft",
"errors": [
"message": "We've detected a policy violation in your app."

Follow these steps to resubmit your app:

  1. Go to the Google Play Console and select your app
  2. Click “Release management” and then “Create release”
  3. Upload the updated APK or AAB file
  4. Fill out the release notes, including a detailed explanation of the changes made to address the policy violation
  5. Submit the app for review

Preventing Future Policy Violations

To avoid future policy violations, make sure to:

  • Familiarize yourself with Google’s Play Store policies
  • Regularly review and update your app to ensure compliance
  • Conduct thorough testing to detect and fix issues before publishing
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest Android guidelines and best practices

Additional Resources

For more information on Google’s Play Store policies and guidelines, visit:


Having your Android app removed from the Google Play Store due to a policy violation can be frustrating, but it’s not the end of the world. By understanding the policy, making the necessary changes, and resubmitting your app, you can get back online and continue to provide value to your users. Remember to stay vigilant and proactive in ensuring your app complies with Google’s policies to avoid future issues.

Stay calm, stay patient, and get back to coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about why your Android app was removed due to a policy violation!

Why was my Android app removed from the Google Play Store?

Your Android app was removed because it violated one or more of Google Play Store’s policies. This could be due to reasons such as incorrect or missing information, misleading or deceptive behavior, or even malicious activities. You can review the policy violation notice sent to you by Google Play Store to understand the specific reason for removal.

How can I appeal the removal of my Android app?

If you believe that the removal of your app was unjustified, you can appeal the decision by submitting a request to Google Play Store. Make sure to provide detailed information about your app, the policy violation notice, and the steps you’ve taken to resolve the issue. Be honest and transparent, and Google Play Store will review your appeal and let you know their decision.

What can I do to prevent my Android app from being removed again?

To avoid having your app removed again, make sure to carefully review and comply with Google Play Store’s policies and guidelines. Keep your app’s information up-to-date and accurate, ensure that your app’s behavior is transparent and respectful to users, and avoid engaging in any malicious or deceptive activities. Regularly update your app to fix bugs and improve its performance, and respond promptly to user feedback and complaints.

Can I re-publish my Android app after it’s been removed?

Yes, you can re-publish your Android app after it’s been removed, but only if you’ve addressed the policy violation and made the necessary changes to comply with Google Play Store’s policies. Make sure to carefully review and revise your app to ensure that it meets the guidelines, and then submit it for re-review. If your app is approved, it will be re-published on the Google Play Store.

How long does it take for Google Play Store to review my app after I’ve made changes?

The review process time varies depending on the complexity of the issue and the volume of submissions. However, Google Play Store typically reviews apps within a few days to a few weeks. Make sure to follow the guidelines and check your app’s status regularly. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to Google Play Store’s support team for assistance.

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