Unraveling the Mystery: Why `chrome.tabs.create` Acts Up on Mobile Chromium Browsers
Image by Jamsey - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Why `chrome.tabs.create` Acts Up on Mobile Chromium Browsers

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Are you a Chrome extension developer frustrated by the quirky behavior of `chrome.tabs.create` on mobile Chromium browsers? Do you find yourself wondering why, despite passing `active: false`, the newly created tab becomes active anyway? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of this issue, exploring the reasons behind this behavior and providing you with solutions to tackle it.

The `chrome.tabs.create` Conundrum

The `chrome.tabs.create` method is a fundamental building block for Chrome extension developers. It allows you to create new tabs and customize their behavior. However, on mobile Chromium browsers, this method exhibits a peculiar behavior that can drive developers crazy.

When you call `chrome.tabs.create` with the `active` property set to `false`, you’d expect the new tab to be created in the background, allowing the user to continue interacting with the current tab. But, surprisingly, the new tab becomes active anyway, grabbing the focus and disrupting the user experience.

The Culprit: Mobile Browser Constraints

The root of this issue lies in the fundamental differences between desktop and mobile browsers. On desktop browsers, multiple tabs can coexist and be interacted with simultaneously. However, mobile browsers, due to screen real estate limitations and touch-based interfaces, adopt a more restrictive approach to tab management.

On mobile Chromium browsers, the browser’s primary goal is to ensure a seamless and distraction-free browsing experience. To achieve this, the browser implements various optimizations, including:

  • Auto-focusing the most recently created or accessed tab
  • Limiting the number of tabs that can be opened simultaneously
  • Prioritizing the currently active tab above all others

These optimizations, while beneficial for the average user, can clash with the expectations of Chrome extension developers. When `chrome.tabs.create` is called with `active: false`, the mobile browser’s optimization algorithms kick in, overriding the `active` property and making the new tab active anyway.

Workarounds and Solutions

Don’t worry; all hope is not lost! We’ll explore some creative workarounds and solutions to help you overcome this limitation:

1. Utilize `chrome.tabs.update`

Instead of using `chrome.tabs.create` with `active: false`, try creating the tab with `chrome.tabs.create` and then immediately updating the tab with `chrome.tabs.update` to set its `active` property to `false`. This approach can help bypass the mobile browser’s optimization constraints.

  url: 'https://example.com',
  active: true // Create the tab as active initially
}, function(tab) {
  chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {
    active: false // Immediately set the tab as inactive

2. Employ `chrome.tabs.query` and `chrome.tabs.highlight`

Another approach involves creating the tab with `chrome.tabs.create` and then using `chrome.tabs.query` to retrieve the newly created tab’s ID. Subsequently, use `chrome.tabs.highlight` to focus the original tab, effectively keeping the new tab in the background.

  url: 'https://example.com'
}, function(tab) {
  chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) {
    chrome.tabs.highlight({ tabs: tabs[0].id });

3. Leverage `chrome.windows.create`

In some cases, you might want to consider creating a new window instead of a new tab. `chrome.windows.create` allows you to specify the `focused` property, which can help you achieve the desired behavior.

  url: 'https://example.com',
  focused: false // Create the new window in the background

4. Opt for a Hybrid Approach

Combine the above approaches to create a more robust solution. For instance, you could create a new tab with `chrome.tabs.create` and then use `chrome.tabs.update` to set its `active` property to `false`. If the user interacts with the new tab, you can use `chrome.tabs.highlight` to refocus the original tab.

  url: 'https://example.com',
  active: true // Create the tab as active initially
}, function(tab) {
  chrome.tabs.update(tab.id, {
    active: false // Immediately set the tab as inactive
  // Listen for tab updates
  chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
    if (tabId === tab.id && changeInfo.status === 'complete') {
      chrome.tabs.highlight({ tabs: originalTabId });


In conclusion, the quirky behavior of `chrome.tabs.create` on mobile Chromium browsers can be attributed to the browser’s optimization constraints. By employing creative workarounds, such as using `chrome.tabs.update`, `chrome.tabs.query`, `chrome.tabs.highlight`, and `chrome.windows.create`, you can achieve the desired behavior and provide a seamless experience for your users.

Remember, the key to overcoming this limitation is to think outside the box and adapt to the unique constraints of mobile browsers. By doing so, you’ll be able to create exceptional Chrome extensions that cater to a wide range of users, regardless of their device or browser type.

Method Description
`chrome.tabs.create` Creates a new tab with the specified properties.
`chrome.tabs.update` Updates the properties of an existing tab.
`chrome.tabs.query` Retrieves a list of tabs that match the specified query.
`chrome.tabs.highlight` Focusing the specified tab and optionally selecting it.
`chrome.windows.create` Creates a new window with the specified properties.

By mastering these methods and understanding the intricacies of mobile Chromium browsers, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the `chrome.tabs.create` conundrum and craft exceptional Chrome extensions that delight your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery behind Chrome’s tab creation on mobile browsers!

Why does chrome.tabs.create create a tab and make it active even though active: false is being passed on mobile Chromium browsers?

This is a known issue specific to mobile Chromium browsers. The reason behind this behavior is that mobile browsers handle tab activation differently than their desktop counterparts. On mobile devices, the browser automatically activates the most recently created tab to provide a better user experience. Passing active: false is simply ignored in this case.

Is this a bug or an intended behavior on mobile Chromium browsers?

According to the Chromium issue tracker, this behavior is considered an intended behavior on mobile devices. However, it’s worth noting that there are ongoing discussions to revisit this decision and potentially provide a more consistent experience across all platforms.

Can I still use chrome.tabs.create with active: false on desktop browsers?

Yes, you can! On desktop browsers, passing active: false to chrome.tabs.create will create a new tab in the background, without activating it. This behavior is consistent across desktop platforms, so you can use this method without worrying about the tab being activated automatically.

Are there any workarounds to prevent the tab from being activated on mobile Chromium browsers?

While there’s no straightforward way to prevent the tab from being activated, you can use a workaround by creating the tab with active: false, and then immediately updating the tab’s active state to false using chrome.tabs.update. This will allow you to create a new tab in the background, albeit with a slight delay.

Will this behavior be changed in future versions of Chromium?

While there are ongoing discussions to revisit this decision, there’s no definitive answer yet. It’s essential to keep an eye on the Chromium issue tracker and browser updates to stay informed about any changes to this behavior.

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