Mastering Dymos: Assign a Threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos Problem Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Dymos: Assign a Threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos Problem Step-by-Step Guide

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Dymos, the open-source software for solving optimal control problems, can be a powerful tool in your optimization arsenal. However, as with any complex software, navigating its features and functions can be daunting. One crucial aspect of working with Dymos is assigning a threshold on the Jacobian of a problem. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Jacobian thresholding, explaining what it means, why it’s essential, and providing a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it.

What is the Jacobian, and Why Do I Need to Assign a Threshold?

The Jacobian matrix is a fundamental concept in linear algebra and optimization theory. In the context of Dymos, the Jacobian represents the partial derivatives of the problem’s constraints and objectives with respect to the design variables. Think of it as a snapshot of how the problem’s sensitivity changes in response to changes in the design variables.

Assigning a threshold on the Jacobian is crucial because it helps Dymos determine when to stop iterating and converge to a solution. By setting a threshold, you’re telling Dymos to stop iterating when the changes in the Jacobian matrix fall below a certain tolerance. This prevents unnecessary iterations, saves computational resources, and ensures a more stable optimization process.

When to Assign a Threshold on the Jacobian

So, when should you assign a threshold on the Jacobian? The answer is: almost always. Assigning a threshold is essential in the following scenarios:

  • Non-Linear Problems: Non-linear problems often exhibit complex behavior, making it challenging to converge to a solution. A Jacobian threshold helps Dymos navigate these complexities and avoid getting stuck in local minima.
  • High-Dimensional Problems: As the number of design variables increases, the Jacobian matrix grows exponentially. Assigning a threshold helps Dymos focus on the most critical elements of the Jacobian, reducing computational overhead.
  • Ill-Conditioned Problems: Ill-conditioned problems often result in large changes in the Jacobian, leading to slow convergence or divergence. A Jacobian threshold helps stabilize the optimization process and prevent divergence.

Step-by-Step Guide to Assigning a Threshold on the Jacobian in Dymos

Now that we’ve covered the why and when, let’s dive into the how. Here’s a step-by-step guide to assigning a threshold on the Jacobian in Dymos:

Step 1: Define Your Dymos Problem

Start by defining your Dymos problem, including the objectives, constraints, and design variables. This can be done using the dymos.OptimalControlProblem class:

from dymos import OptimalControlProblem

# Define the problem
prob = OptimalControlProblem()
prob.add_variable('x', shape=(2,), units='m')
prob.add_objective('f', ref=1.0)  # minimize x^2
prob.add_constraint('g', lower=0.0, upper=10.0)  # constrain x to [0, 10]

Step 2: Create a Jacobian Object

Next, create a Jacobian object using the dymos.Jacobian class:

from dymos import Jacobian

# Create a Jacobian object
jac = Jacobian(prob, 'f', 'x')

Step 3: Set the Jacobian Threshold

Now, set the Jacobian threshold using the jacobian.set_threshold() method:

jac.set_threshold(tol=1e-6)  # set the threshold to 1e-6

The tol parameter specifies the threshold value. In this example, we’re setting the threshold to 1e-6, meaning that Dymos will stop iterating when the changes in the Jacobian matrix fall below this value.

Step 4: Solve the Problem

With the Jacobian threshold set, you’re ready to solve the problem using the prob.solve() method:


Tuning the Jacobian Threshold: Tips and Tricks

Assigning a Jacobian threshold is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The optimal threshold value depends on the specific problem, the complexity of the Jacobian, and the desired level of convergence. Here are some tips for tuning the Jacobian threshold:

  • Start with a conservative threshold: Begin with a relatively large threshold value (e.g., 1e-3) and gradually decrease it until you reach the desired level of convergence.
  • Monitor the Jacobian norm: Keep an eye on the Jacobian norm during the optimization process. If the norm is still decreasing significantly at the threshold value, consider decreasing the threshold further.
  • Check for convergence: Verify that the optimization process has converged to a stable solution by checking the objective function value, constraint violations, and design variable changes.
Threshold Value Convergence Behavior
1e-3 Rapid convergence, possibly premature
1e-6 Stable convergence, suitable for most problems
1e-9 Highly accurate convergence, may lead to slow optimization


Assigning a threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos problem is a critical step in ensuring a stable and efficient optimization process. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Dymos and tackling complex optimal control problems. Remember to tune the Jacobian threshold carefully, monitoring the convergence behavior and adjusting the value as needed.

With the power of Dymos and the insights gained from this guide, you’ll be able to tackle even the most challenging optimization problems with confidence.

Happy optimizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about assigning a threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos problem!

What is the purpose of assigning a threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos problem?

Assigning a threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos problem helps to reduce the impact of small, insignificant values on the optimization process. This is especially important when dealing with large systems, where tiny errors can propagate and affect the overall solution.

How do I assign a threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos problem?

You can assign a threshold on the Jacobian of a Dymos problem by setting the `jacobian_threshold` option in the Dymos configuration file. This value specifies the minimum acceptable magnitude for the Jacobian elements. Any values below this threshold will be treated as zero.

What is the ideal threshold value for the Jacobian of a Dymos problem?

The ideal threshold value depends on the specific problem and the desired level of precision. As a general rule of thumb, a threshold value of 1e-6 or 1e-8 is often sufficient. However, you may need to adjust this value based on the specific requirements of your problem.

What happens if I set the threshold value too low?

If you set the threshold value too low, you may inadvertently ignore important information in the Jacobian matrix. This can lead to suboptimal solutions or even convergence issues. It’s essential to strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency.

Can I assign different threshold values for different phases of my Dymos problem?

Yes, you can assign different threshold values for different phases of your Dymos problem. This allows you to tailor the optimization process to the specific requirements of each phase. Simply specify the threshold value for each phase in the Dymos configuration file.