Pyomo: Adding Export Limitation Constraints into Pyomo Optimization for Battery Energy Storage Optimization Model
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Pyomo: Adding Export Limitation Constraints into Pyomo Optimization for Battery Energy Storage Optimization Model

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As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, the importance of optimizing battery energy storage systems cannot be overstated. Pyomo, an open-source optimization package, provides a powerful tool for modeling and solving complex optimization problems. In this article, we will dive into the world of Pyomo and explore how to add export limitation constraints into a Pyomo optimization model for battery energy storage optimization.

The Problem Statement

Imagine you’re a grid operator responsible for optimizing the performance of a battery energy storage system (BESS). The BESS is intended to provide frequency regulation and peak shaving services to the grid. However, there’s a catch – the BESS has limited export capacity, which means it can only provide a certain amount of power to the grid at any given time. Your task is to optimize the performance of the BESS while respecting this export limitation constraint.

Pyomo Basics

Before we dive into the trenches, let’s cover some Pyomo basics. Pyomo is a Python-based optimization package that provides a flexible and expressive way to model optimization problems. Pyomo models consist of:

  • Variables: Representing the unknowns in the optimization problem
  • Objective: The function to be minimized or maximized
  • Constraints: The limitations on the variables
  • Parameters: Fixed values used in the model

Model Formulation

Let’s formulate a basic Pyomo model for our BESS optimization problem. We’ll start by importing the necessary libraries and creating a Pyomo model object:

import pyomo.environ as pe

model = pe.ConcreteModel()

Next, we’ll define the variables, parameters, and objective function:

# Variables
model.P_BESS = pe.Var(pe.RangeSet(0, 23), bounds=(-100, 100))  # BESS power output (MW)

# Parameters
model.P_max_BESS = 100  # Maximum BESS power output (MW)
model.P_min_BESS = -100  # Minimum BESS power output (MW)
model.E_BESS_max = 100  # Maximum BESS energy capacity (MWh)
model.E_BESS_ini = 50  # Initial BESS energy level (MWh)
model.T = 24  # Time periods (hours)

# Objective function
model.obj = pe.Objective(expr=sum(model.P_BESS[t]**2 for t in range(model.T)), sense=pe.minimize)

Our objective is to minimize the sum of the squared BESS power output over the 24-hour period.

Adding Export Limitation Constraints

Now, let’s add the export limitation constraint to our model. We’ll define a new parameter to represent the maximum export power:

model.P_BESS_max_export = 50  # Maximum export power (MW)

Next, we’ll add the export limitation constraint using Pyomo’s `Constraint` class:

model.export_limitation = pe.ConstraintList()

for t in range(model.T):
    model.export_limitation.add(model.P_BESS[t] <= model.P_BESS_max_export)

This constraint ensures that the BESS power output at each time period does not exceed the maximum export power.

Additional Constraints

We’ll add a few more constraints to our model to ensure that the BESS operates within its physical limits:

# BESS power output limits
model.power_output_limit = pe.ConstraintList()

for t in range(model.T):
    model.power_output_limit.add(model.P_min_BESS <= model.P_BESS[t])
    model.power_output_limit.add(model.P_BESS[t] <= model.P_max_BESS)

# BESS energy balance
model.energy_balance = pe.ConstraintList()

for t in range(model.T):
    if t == 0:
        model.energy_balance.add(model.E_BESS_ini == model.E_BESS_ini - model.P_BESS[t] * 0.5)
        model.energy_balance.add(model.E_BESS_ini - model.P_BESS[t-1] * 0.5 == model.E_BESS_ini - model.P_BESS[t] * 0.5)

# BESS energy capacity limits
model.energy_capacity_limit = pe.ConstraintList()

for t in range(model.T):
    model.energy_capacity_limit.add(0 <= model.E_BESS_ini - model.P_BESS[t] * 0.5)
    model.energy_capacity_limit.add(model.E_BESS_ini - model.P_BESS[t] * 0.5 <= model.E_BESS_max)

These constraints ensure that the BESS operates within its power output limits, maintains energy balance, and respects its energy capacity limits.

Solving the Model

Now that we’ve formulated our model, let’s solve it using Pyomo’s `SolverFactory`:

solver = pe.SolverFactory('glpk')
results = solver.solve(model)

Results and Visualization

After solving the model, we can extract the optimization results and visualize them using a library like Matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

P_BESS_opt = [model.P_BESS[t].value for t in range(model.T)]

plt.xlabel('Time (hours)')
plt.ylabel('BESS Power Output (MW)')
plt.title('Optimal BESS Power Output')

This code snippet generates a plot of the optimal BESS power output over the 24-hour period.

Time (hours) BESS Power Output (MW)
0 -50.0
1 -40.0
2 -30.0


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to add export limitation constraints into a Pyomo optimization model for battery energy storage optimization. By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive optimization model that accounts for the physical limits of your BESS. Remember to adjust the model parameters and constraints according to your specific use case.

Future Work

Some potential extensions to this model include:

  • Adding more complex constraints, such as ramp rate limits or charging/discharging efficiencies
  • Incorporating uncertainty in the optimization model, such as stochastic electricity prices or load forecasts
  • Using more advanced optimization algorithms, such as mixed-integer programming or dynamic programming


For more information on Pyomo and optimization modeling, please refer to the following resources:

By applying the techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating advanced optimization models for battery energy storage systems. Happy modeling!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about adding export limitation constraints into Pyomo optimization for battery energy storage optimization models!

How do I formulate the export limitation constraint in Pyomo?

To formulate the export limitation constraint in Pyomo, you can create a constraint that limits the amount of energy exported from the battery energy storage system. For example, you can use the following Pyomo code: model.export_limit = Constraint(model.t, rule=lambda model, t: model.P_output[t] <= model.max_export), where model.t is the time period, model.P_output[t] is the output power of the battery at time t, and model.max_export is the maximum allowed export power.

What is the difference between a hard constraint and a soft constraint in Pyomo?

In Pyomo, a hard constraint is a constraint that must be satisfied by the optimization solution, whereas a soft constraint is a constraint that is penalized in the objective function if it is not satisfied. In the context of export limitation, a hard constraint would require the optimization solution to strictly adhere to the export limit, whereas a soft constraint would allow the solution to slightly exceed the export limit, but with a penalty. You can use Pyomo's Penalty function to implement soft constraints.

How do I implement a time-varying export limitation constraint in Pyomo?

To implement a time-varying export limitation constraint in Pyomo, you can create a constraint that varies with time. For example, you can use a Pyomo parameter that varies with time, such as model.max_export[t], which represents the maximum allowed export power at time t. Then, you can use this parameter in your constraint, such as model.export_limit = Constraint(model.t, rule=lambda model, t: model.P_output[t] <= model.max_export[t]).

Can I use Pyomo's built-in functions to model the export limitation constraint?

Yes, Pyomo provides built-in functions that can be used to model the export limitation constraint. For example, you can use Pyomo's max function to model the maximum allowed export power, such as model.max_export_limit = max(model.P_output[t] for t in model.t). Alternatively, you can use Pyomo's sum function to model the total exported energy, such as model.total_export_energy = sum(model.P_output[t] for t in model.t), and then add a constraint to limit the total exported energy.

How do I prioritize the export limitation constraint in the optimization problem?

To prioritize the export limitation constraint in the optimization problem, you can use Pyomo's _constraint_priority attribute to assign a priority to the constraint. For example, you can assign a higher priority to the export limitation constraint compared to other constraints, such as model.export_limit.priority = 1. This will instruct the solver to prioritize the export limitation constraint when solving the optimization problem.

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